Kissing Cousins; Innovation & Failure


When clients complain my initial feeling is a blow to the gut. It hurts every time but after the initial hurt my wheels start spinning. Do we have a gap in our process? Does our technology need upgrading? There was a blog written about us on in which we were given 3.5 out of 5 stars. While many have said the review wasn’t bad I zeroed in on the missing 1.5 stars and set to work addressing the gaps. Within weeks we improved our technology, got to work on building a mobile site and enhanced our team training.

Barbara Corcoran said “In business, failure and innovation are kissing cousins. You can’t have an innovative business unless you allow and plan for failure. It’s only through failure that you discover all the important new stuff that moves your business to the top.” It still hurts to receive negative feedback but as a business we must look for the message of opportunity to innovate.

As I look back on the wild ride this business has taken we would never be where we are today if it hadn’t been for some failures along the way. The next time a client says “We need to talk” hear the words “It’s time to innovate!”.